Notes from a Child Psychologist
Notes from a Child Psychologist
Let’s Talk about Praise!
Praise! Believe it or not, praise can be a controversial and dividing topic for parents, caregivers, and people who work closely with children. Praise is an extremely powerful tool that can be utilized by parents; it can be a reinforcer, it can increase positive behaviors, and it can draw you and your child closer together.
In this episode, I am going to walk you through clinically-backed methods to utilize praise in your relationship with your child in a way that maximizes the positive benefits, and limits the negative outcomes.
Note of the week: https://childmind.org/article/are-our-children-overpraised/
Website- https://www.drtashabrown.com/
Email Address- dr.tashabrown7@gmail.com
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Produced by Kate Saluti