Notes from a Child Psychologist
Notes from a Child Psychologist
Social Media and Your Child’s Mental Health This Summer!
In today’s world, there is no escaping the barrage of likes, comments, and follow requests. Our children are growing up in a world where social media is becoming increasingly accessible to younger audiences by the day. Instead of fighting the online world, we have to prepare our children to become responsible digital citizens. From privacy, to safety, to screen time, it seems like there are countless topics we must help our children navigate.
However, fear not! Social media is not without its benefits! Engaging online can allow your children a creative outlet, and ample opportunities for social connection and interaction.
Being a double-edged sword, it is vital that parents and caregivers give social media the proper educational attention to ensure that our children are reaping the benefits, while minimizing the possible drawbacks.
In this episode of the Summer Series, I am going to walk you through tangible ways to monitor and tailor your child’s time online to ensure the security of their mental health, and their safety.
Note of the week
Website- https://www.drtashabrown.com/
Email Address- dr.tashabrown7@gmail.com
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/dr.tashabrown/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/dr.tashabrown7
Twitter- https://twitter.com/DrTashaB
Resource- : https://www.consumernotice.org/data-protection/internet-safety-for-kids/
Episode Produced by Kate Saluti